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All Church Staff Appreciation Potluck
11:30 AM11:30

All Church Staff Appreciation Potluck

Our Heritage Elders are hosting an All Church Staff Appreciation Potluck on Sunday, March 30th immediately following second service in the auditorium. Bring a dish or dessert to share. This will be a staff appreciation and a farewell blessing to some of our staff who are leaving. We hope you will join and help us show appreciation to this fine group. Let us know you’re coming, sign up now.

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Heritage Vendor & Craft Fair
9:00 AM09:00

Heritage Vendor & Craft Fair

Join us in a fun morning of shopping during our craft and vendor fair. With a variety of vendors, there will sure to be something for everyone. We are still currently accepting vendors. Please fill out the Google form for more information about becoming a vendor.

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Hymn Sing - Fundraiser Night
4:30 PM16:30

Hymn Sing - Fundraiser Night

We are having a Hymn Sing - Fundraiser night on Sunday, February 16 at 4:30pm. We’ll begin in the Heritage Lobby at 4:30 pm. Invite a friend and come enjoy a hymn sing together! Then, join us after at Hat Creek Burger Company (5300 Golden Triangle) for our Spirit Night Fundraiser. Anytime between 5-9pm, Hat Creek will donate 25% of sales when you mention Heritage Spirit Night. Come eat and have fellowship with Heritage; you may even meet someone new! Be sure to tell them you are with Heritage when ordering!

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Results of StuMin Honduras Fundraiser
to Jan 13

Results of StuMin Honduras Fundraiser

  • Heritage Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Student Ministry Garage Sale UPDATE: Just wanted to say thank you again to everyone for their donations (and purchases) in our Garage Sale Fundraiser! We raised about $5,200 to help send students to Honduras to work with and learn from these incredible people and their church/Children’s Home! We still have more funds to raise in the coming months, but this was a HUGE blessing toward our cross-cultural mission goal for their upcoming Honduras Mission Trip.

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Inter-Gen Sunday
9:30 AM09:30

Inter-Gen Sunday

Join us on October 27th for an Intergenerational Sunday Service at 9:30 a.m. All generations will meet together as we host one special worship service. Immediately following service, we will serve alongside each other as we pack food boxes for our Feed The Need food drive. No matter the age, we need you! We can’t wait for all of us to be together, children included in worship. There will be no children’s or adult classes on this day.

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Summer Jam "God & Nature" - Children's Ministry
to Jul 21

Summer Jam "God & Nature" - Children's Ministry

  • Heritage Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore God's Creation at Children's Ministry’s Summer Jam, Sundays 9 AM or 10:30 AM from June 16 - July 21st.

During the vibrant summer months, nature flourishes with signs revealing God's character and desires for us. The wonders of the natural world speak volumes about our Creator and the life He intends for us. This summer, learn to decipher nature's clues about who God is and the path He has laid before us.

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