Be a part of our growing Women’s Ministry
At Heritage, we strive to connect women to God, to one another, and to purpose. We are passionate about helping women of all ages and life stages come to know life in Christ and be a shining light to lead others. We offer Bible studies, MOMs group, fellowship nights, service opportunities, retreats, and events throughout the year. All women are invited to participate and invite others. If you are interested in getting plugged into our Women’s Ministry,
contact Rhonda Miles.
Women of the Bible - Class Study
Beginning April 6th, we will start a new study by Cassandra Martin, “Teach Me to Pray.” We’ll learn what happens, who we become, and how God works in us when we pray.
This unique class is for women of all ages and stages of life. We hope you can join us at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday in Room 20.
Join us for this semester’s kickoff of Mothers of Miracles (MOM's) Wednesday, February 5th at 9:30 a.m. in Room 5 (Children's Ministry Wing.) This group meets bi-monthly on Wednesday mornings to connect and grow with other mothers as we explore our bible study, The Good Gospel.
We welcome moms of children of all ages to enjoy this time of study while connecting with other moms and loving on each other as we navigate motherhood together. Registration is $25 and childcare is provided.
Register now on the Heritage App under Events or at www.heritagechurchofchrist.org/events.
The Love & Light Bible Study meets on Tuesdays in Room 21 at 10 am. Come and grow with other women in Christ as we study together.
Join us in a fun morning of shopping during our craft and vendor fair. With a variety of vendors, there will sure to be something for everyone. We are still currently accepting vendors. Please fill out the Google form for more information about becoming a vendor. https://forms.gle/dXDTum7wsmdgJicF7