Thanks for visiting our Resurrection Resources page!

Easter can be a busy time — lots of families use the long weekend as an opportunity to travel, plus there are special gatherings & festivities happening in addition to our “normal” busyness. But what we can’t forget is that Easter marks the foundation of our faith.

Paul said in 1st Corinthians 15:

“If Christ hasn’t been raised, then our preaching is useless and your faith is useless.” (1 Cor 15:14)

I am convinced, though, that the resurrection is real! And I’ve assembled a few resources on this page from some trusted academic theologians that might help to build your confidence in the truth of the resurrection, too.

I hope you find these resources helpful and convicting in your personal journey of growing in Faith!

-Brock Paulk


Listen as Northern Seminary’s Dr Scot Mcknight shares about the importance and the veracity of the resurrection of Jesus (Opens in Facebook)

Listen as Dr N.T. Wright explains some of the logic supporting the claim that the resurrection was a real historical event

Dr. Gary Habermas, who has written extensively on the topic of the resurrection, describes the widely agreed-upon facts that support the truth of the resurrection.

Listen in as Dr Habermas describes the historical considerations that scholars use to discern the validity of ancient documents and their claims.